2008年9月20日 星期六

New Museum of Contemporary Art-SANAA

日本著名建筑师 Kazuyo Sejima 和 Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA)设计的纽约新当代艺术博物馆(New Museum of Contemporary Art)竣工了,在2007年12月1号开放。
纽约新当代艺术博物馆是曼哈顿市中心第一座大型的艺术博物馆,总共7层楼,形如不同偏向的盒子叠加而成,裹着一层亮白的外衣, 银色镀铝的金属网格(arc介绍中是镀锌),能够看到城市街景的窗户和天窗点缀其间。这个面积为6万平方英尺的建筑内设有画廊展厅、剧院、咖啡厅、商店、教育区、以及多重的屋顶阳台等。
SANAA 想设计一幢透明的建筑,不去掩盖结构表面背后发生的事物,SANAA的设计通常有着光亮和极少的美学,对复杂建筑的细节和流动性的考究,没有层级的空间,擅长将建筑的外观作为一种“渗透膜”,联系着室内和室外,个性和共性,共用和私密之间微妙同时又刺激的关系。他们以内而外地设计这个纽约新当代艺术博物馆,按照博物馆的需求,用不同盒子代表不同功能区域,并通过这些盒子的移位来让建筑的内部更加通融和开放,并引入光线。
Currently, the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City presents the first comprehensive exhibition in New York of the works of Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA, the Tokyo-based architects who have designed the museum’s new building at 235 Bowery. “SANAA: Works 1998-2008” features not only the new museum, which is the first art museum ever constructed from the ground up in downtown Manhattan. The show provides an opportunity to understand the new New Museum in the context of the firm’s other projects such as the Christian Dior Bulding in Omotesando, Tokyo, Japan (2001-2003) and Vitrashop Factory Hall in Basel, Switzerland (2004-); domestic architecture like the House in a Plum Grove, Tokyo, Japan (2001-2003) and Flower House, Suiza, Switzerland (2006-); and cultural projects including the Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen, Germany (2003-); EPFL Learning Center, Lausanne, Switzerland (2004-); and the highly anticipated Louvre-Lens, France (2005-). On the occasion of “SANAA: Works 1998-2008″, the Museum will release SHIFT: SANAA and the New Museum, a book about the making of the New Museum’s building on the Bowery. The exhibition runs until June 15, 2008. March 28, 2008.

Architect : SANAA (Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa )
