2008年9月25日 星期四

Metz Centre Pompidou-Shigeru Ban

Metz Centre Pompidou建築物與內部設透過國際公開徵試的競選模式挑上日本建築師坂茂(Shigeru Ban)與法國建築師尚德.賈斯汀(Jean de Gastines)的方案。總面積達10000平方公尺,其中數個不同大小的展覽空間將佔一半,而另一半的面積則將用於其它如辦公室、教育活動廳...等空間。建築物本身主要由三個長條型約80公尺的空間交錯疊起,乍看之下令人聯想到貨櫃式的展場建築設計,然非以環繞方形主體為主,坂茂的設計除了讓建築物本身具有多角型的外貌與視野之外,並將重點放在那看似有如浮雲狀、靈感源自亞洲傳統的中式竹編圓帽的屋頂設計,該部份也是坂茂在此一計畫中最令人讚嘆的元素。
如果展場兩端完全透明的落地窗設計得以引入大量的光源,並得以讓旅客從內望外一觀梅茨市市容;然整體用大型木材,外覆防水布的動感屋頂設計則試圖挑戰高度精密的建材實驗與設計,並讓位於一樓挑高近77公尺的主廳、服務櫃台、書局與餐廳得以大量依賴自然光的照明以節省能源。龐畢度梅茨分館大廳設計圖將以典藏展為主, 目前已確定延至2009年才會正式完工。梅茨分館將不具典藏或保存的功能,未來的營運重點主要在展出許多龐畢度中心既有的大型典藏作品,如畢卡索為芭蕾舞劇所完成的大型油畫作品《遊行(Parade)》(8 x 14公尺)...等;換句話說,該分館未來的展覽內容與規劃將還是由巴黎本館現有的典藏專業人員所主導。每檔常設展的換展年限目前預定最長為兩年,並另外將會搭配每年數場的小型臨時展。
Architect : Shigeru Ban

2008年9月20日 星期六

New Museum of Contemporary Art-SANAA

日本著名建筑师 Kazuyo Sejima 和 Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA)设计的纽约新当代艺术博物馆(New Museum of Contemporary Art)竣工了,在2007年12月1号开放。
纽约新当代艺术博物馆是曼哈顿市中心第一座大型的艺术博物馆,总共7层楼,形如不同偏向的盒子叠加而成,裹着一层亮白的外衣, 银色镀铝的金属网格(arc介绍中是镀锌),能够看到城市街景的窗户和天窗点缀其间。这个面积为6万平方英尺的建筑内设有画廊展厅、剧院、咖啡厅、商店、教育区、以及多重的屋顶阳台等。
SANAA 想设计一幢透明的建筑,不去掩盖结构表面背后发生的事物,SANAA的设计通常有着光亮和极少的美学,对复杂建筑的细节和流动性的考究,没有层级的空间,擅长将建筑的外观作为一种“渗透膜”,联系着室内和室外,个性和共性,共用和私密之间微妙同时又刺激的关系。他们以内而外地设计这个纽约新当代艺术博物馆,按照博物馆的需求,用不同盒子代表不同功能区域,并通过这些盒子的移位来让建筑的内部更加通融和开放,并引入光线。
Currently, the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City presents the first comprehensive exhibition in New York of the works of Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA, the Tokyo-based architects who have designed the museum’s new building at 235 Bowery. “SANAA: Works 1998-2008” features not only the new museum, which is the first art museum ever constructed from the ground up in downtown Manhattan. The show provides an opportunity to understand the new New Museum in the context of the firm’s other projects such as the Christian Dior Bulding in Omotesando, Tokyo, Japan (2001-2003) and Vitrashop Factory Hall in Basel, Switzerland (2004-); domestic architecture like the House in a Plum Grove, Tokyo, Japan (2001-2003) and Flower House, Suiza, Switzerland (2006-); and cultural projects including the Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen, Germany (2003-); EPFL Learning Center, Lausanne, Switzerland (2004-); and the highly anticipated Louvre-Lens, France (2005-). On the occasion of “SANAA: Works 1998-2008″, the Museum will release SHIFT: SANAA and the New Museum, a book about the making of the New Museum’s building on the Bowery. The exhibition runs until June 15, 2008. March 28, 2008.

Architect : SANAA (Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa )

2008年9月18日 星期四

Metzo College - Erick van Egeraat's

Rotterdam, 29 January 2007 - Vocational school Metzo College, designed by Erick van Egeraat, has been honoured with the Dutch School Building Award 2006.
According to the jury, the co-operation between school and architect has resulted in "a building that is on many levels truly unique. The educational programme and the building have been designed in harmony. Through design, the school adds its own value to this. The building is a benchmark for and provides perspectives towards future developments within the educational system as well as future social developments."
Metzo College was previously spread across three different locations. The new building houses 1.300 pupils on a gross floor area of 16.000 m2. The school is based in Doetinchem, The Netherlands.
Erick van Egeraat's new pyramid-shaped school completed
Rotterdam, 22 January 2007 - (EEA) Erick van Egeraat associated architects completed a new educational building for Metzo College in Doetinchem, The Netherlands. Erick van Egeraat's design facilitates the school's innovative approach to vocational education. The building's compact design maximises flexibility and enables efficient use of space.
The complex is characterised by its pyramid shape and hanging roof garden in the central void. The roof garden offers a domain for quiet retreat and reflection. In contrast, the patio below the garden is an arena for bustling interaction, allowing everyone to see and to be seen. Together, the patio and the roof garden form the social heart of the building.
A partition-free layout with few walls reflects the school's philosophy of openness and transparency. Most rooms are multifunctional and can be 'redefined' according to meet all current needs.
Each department has its own identifiable domain, but no department is secluded from the others. Individuality and togetherness, unity and diversity can co-exist under one roof.
The building also includes a gym, which is designed as a black-box with no daylight requirements. The gym is publicly accessible outside school hours.
The design of the building allows the school to correspond with the public in different ways. Its compact shape and earthly façade make it a discreet landmark that smoothly blends in the surrounding green space. Its versatility and openness make the building a valuable addition to the community of Doetinchem.

Architect : Erick van Egeraat's (EEA)

2008年9月3日 星期三

Ideal House - Zaha Hadid

Now in its fifth year, this ideal house installation features living spaces designed by the london based architect zaha hadid and naoto fukasawa, who worked for many years as the creative director of muji, japan’s best-known furniture design centre. the annual event calls for use of a cube as the basic structure. visitors can walk through the rooms and have an interesting experience that will lead them to re-assess their view of the many ways in which a home can be designed.
Zaha Hadid approached this cube as a huge block to be hollowed out and morphed into a charming sequence of rooms that lead into one another and also open up wide to the outside. ‘we experimented with several different techniques before coming up with a final design’, says hadid. ‘first, we strongly manipulated the outer form, but we later returned to a precision-like cube. design then focused on the inner windings and the complexity of the cavities’.compared to the more open structures of fukasawa’s project, hadid's ideal house retains the traditional form of the home as a unit and protective shell. the two-story structure has no roof, the walls and furniture appear to grow directly out of a floor that in some cases is totally uneven, and the ceiling is an arched sky. the inside and outside, the top and the bottom- everything blends together seamlessly.‘what we created is not so much an 'ideal house' as a snapshot of our vision and understanding of how people will live in the future’ says zaha hadid.visitors gain entry via a cavity-like stairway to a gallery that looks down on the ground floor and is furnished with an oversized bed. some of the furnishings are completely new pieces, and all of them were designed by hadid. the liquid-like impression of the rooms is further enhanced by the mirroring and reflections in the cube, while hadid's furniture function as an element of spatial structure too.

Architect : Zaha Hadid

2008年9月1日 星期一

Sliced Porosity Block - Steven Holl

Program: five towers with offices, serviced apartments, retail, a hotel, cafes, and restaurants
Client: CapitaLand Development
Building Area (Square): 3,336,812
Status: design phase
The 'Sliced Porosity Block' will be located just south of the intersection of the First Ring Road and Ren Min Nan Road. Its sun sliced geometry results from minimum daylight exposures to the surrounding urban fabric prescribed by code. Porous and inviting from every side, five vertical entrances cut through a layer of micro-urban shopping before leading to the elevated public 'Three Valley' plaza. A great urban terrace on the scale of Rockefeller Center, this multi-level plaza in the center of the complex is sculpted by stone steps, ramps, trees, and ponds and caters to special events or to a casual afternoon in the sun. Here the public space parallax of overlapping geometries in strict black and white is supercharged by color that glows from the shops positioned underneath the plaza.
The three generous ponds on the plaza are inspired by a poem by Du Fu (713-770), in which he describes how 'Time has left stranded in Three Valleys'. (Du Fu was one of ancient China's most important poets, who spent a part of his life in Chengdu). These three ponds function as skylights to the six-story shopping precinct below, and are pierced by diagonal stray escalators that thrust upwards to three 'buildings within buildings'. Residing on voids in the facades of the sculpted blocks these pavilions are designed by Steven Holl (history pavilion), Lebbeus Woods (high tech pavilion), and Ai Wei Wei (Du Fu pavilion). The 'Sliced Porosity Block' is heated and cooled geo-thermally and the large plaza ponds harvest recycled rainwater while the natural grasses and lily pads create a natural cooling effect. High-performance glazing, energy-efficient equipment and the use of regional materials are just a few of the other methods employed to reach the LEED gold rating.

Architect : Steven Holl